Continuous Use of Quantum Sensor Par

Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), or photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), is the wavelength range from 400 to 700 nanometers and is strongly correlated with plant growth. Gardeners, greenhouse managers, growth chamber users and salt-water aquarists measure PAR to insure optimal specimen health. The sensor housing design features a fully potted, domed-shaped head making the sensor fully weatherproof and self-cleaning.

Apogee's range of original quantum sensors that measure PAR include:

  • SQ-110: Sun Calibrated PAR Sensor
  • SQ-120: Electric Calibrated PAR Sensor
  • SQ-212: Amplified 0-2.5Vt Sun Calibrated Quantum Sensor
  • SQ-222: Amplified 0-2.5Vt Electric Calibrated Quantum Sensor
  • SQ-214: Amplified 4-20 mA Sun Calibrated Quantum Sensor
  • SQ-224: Amplified 4-20 mA Electric Calibrated Quantum Sensor
  • SQ-215: Amplified 0-5Vt Sun Calibrated Quantum Sensor
  • SQ-225: Amplified 0-5Vt Electric Calibrated Quantum Sensor
  • SQ-421: SDI-12 Digital Output Quantum PAR-FAR Sensor
  • SQ-422-SS: Modbus Digital Output Quantum Sensor

SQ-110: Sun Calibrated PAR Sensor

The SQ-110 is a self-powered quantum sensor that measures photosynthetically active radiation and is calibrated for use in sunlight. The SQ-110 can be used in combination with a LINPAR Linear PAR Sensor and LSM1 Light Sensor Meter for complete monitoring of the plant canopy light environment. The SQ-110 is installed above the plant canopy to measure ambient light conditions and one or more LINPAR sensors are installed within or beneath the canopy. This way leaf area index or the fraction of absorbed radiation can be monitored. The SQ-100 is also available as a package with a microCache Bluetooth micro-logger at a special introductory price (with either 30cm or 2M cable available).

You can use the SQ-110 Sensor in an IoT SNiP Package

The SNiP-SQS is a 'Sensor Node Integrated Package' for LoRaWAN communication of real-time photosynthetically active radiation for continuous monitoring of plant light relations. The base SNiP-SQS integrates 1x SQ-110 Sensor with an AD-NODE to a site's unique network, communication and power requirements. Alternatively, the SNiP-CLI integrates the SQ-110 Sensor and 1x SQ-311 Sun Calibrated Line PAR Sensor with an MFR-NODE. And the SNiP-CLI2 integrates the SQ-110 Sensor and 1x LINPAR Linear PAR Sensor with an MFR-NODE.

SQ-120: Electric Calibrated PAR Sensor

The SQ-120 is a self-powered quantum sensor that measures photosynthetically active radiation and is calibrated for use with electric lights. The SQ-120 is ideally suited for aquatic tanks, glasshouse or indoor use where electric or artificial lights are the main source of radiation for plant growth. The SQ-120 is ideally supported by the LSM1 Light Sensor Meter for PAR Sensors for a complete data logging and long-term monitoring solution. For spot measurements or a portable, handheld device, refer to the MQ-100 Instrument or theMQ-200 Instrument .

You can use the SQ-120 Sensor in an IoT SNiP Package

The SNiP-SQE is a 'Sensor Node Integrated Package' for LoRaWAN communication of real-time measurements of photosynthetically active radiation for continuous plant, light and environmental monitoring. The base SNiP-SQE integrates 1x AD-NODE and 1x SQ-120 Sun Calibrated PAR Sensor to a site's unique network, communication and power requirements. Back to Top

SQ-212: Amplified 0-2.5Vt & Sun Calibrated

The SQ-212 is an amplified original quantum sensor with a 0 to 2.5 V output that has been calibrated for use in sunlight. Typical applications include PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) measurement over plant canopies in outdoor environments, greenhouses, and growth chambers, and reflected or under-canopy (transmitted) PPFD measurements in the same environments. Quantum sensors are also used to measure PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)/PPFD in aquatic environments, including salt water aquariums where corals are grown. Sensor includes IP68 marine-grade stainless-steel cable connector 30 cm from head to simplify sensor removal and replacement for maintenance and recalibration. Back to Top

SQ-222: Amplified 0-2.5Vt & Electric Calibrated

The SQ-212 is an amplified original quantum sensor with a 0 to 2.5 V output that has been calibrated for use with electric lights.

SQ-214: Amplified 4-20 mA & Sun Calibrated

The SQ-214 is an amplified sensor with a 4-20 Milliamp output that has been calibrated for use in sunlight. The sensor was designed for use in environments with significant background electrical noise that can be found in many industrial applications. Back to Top

SQ-224: Amplified 4-20 mA & Electric Calibrated

The SQ-224 is an amplified sensor with a 4-20 Milliamp output that has been calibrated for use with electric lights. The sensor was designed for use in environments with significant background electrical noise that can be found in many industrial applications.

SQ-215: Amplified 0-5Vt & Sun Calibrated

The SQ-215 is an amplified sensor with a 0-5 Volt output that has been calibrated for use in sunlight. Total shortwave radiation is an important component in determining evapo-transpiration rates, energy balance, net radiation as well as monitoring solar power panels.

SQ-225: Amplified 0-5Vt & Electric Calibrated

The SQ-225 is an amplified sensor with a 0-5 Volt output that has been calibrated for use with electric lights. Back to Top

SQ-420: SDI-12 Digital Output Quantum PAR-FAR Sensor

apogee_sq_420_2__02006.1444667650.1280.1280The SQ-420 sensor can be connected to a desktop, laptop, or tablet computer via USB 2.0 type A plug, to be used with the Apogee software. The included Apogee software gives the user control of data logging and calibration settings, as well as providing a real time output display and graph of PPFD measurements, and also allowing the data set to be saved as a csv file. The SQ-420 is a stand-alone PAR sensor/datalogger with 10,000 measurement internal data storage that can be uploaded to a computer. If continuously connected, the software graphs real-time PPFD. The versatile SQ-420 can be used two ways – it can be connected directly to a computer for real-time measurements and data logging using the provided software, or it can be connected to a standard USB power source and act as a stand-alone datalogger capable of storing 10,000 periodic measurements internally that can be downloaded to a computer later for analysis.

Apogee Instruments Quantum Sensors consist of a cast acrylic diffuser (filter), photodiode, and signal processing circuitry mounted in an anodised aluminium housing, and a cable to connect the sensor to a measurement device. The sensor is potted solid with no internal air space. It is designed for continuous PPFD measurement in indoor, outdoor, and underwater environments. The SQ-420 sensor output increases linearly with PPFD under sunlight (natural setting) or electric lights (electric setting). The signal from the sensor is directly proportional to radiation incident on a flat surface where the radiation comes from all angles of a hemisphere.

The SQ-420 is used to measure incoming and reflected PPFD around plants and other organisms in outdoor environments, greenhouses, growth chambers, and underwater.

Internal Data Storage : The sensor has internal data storage with the ability to hold up to 10,000 measurements. This allows the sensor to collect data while connected to a stand-alone 5 Volt DC power supply such as an independent USB battery pack or USB wall adapter. No External Datalogger Required.

Independent Calibration: The SQ-420 is calibrated independently for sunlight and electric light to improve measurement accuracy. The light source calibration can be selected in the settings menu of the Apogee software. Back to Top

SQ-421: SDI-12 Digital Output Quantum PAR-FAR Sensor

The SQ-421 is a digital sensor that uses SDI-12 communication protocol. The sensor is calibrated for sunlight and electric lights, selectable through SDI-12 commands, and has a command that automatically applies the immersion effect correction factor for underwater measurements. Typical applications include PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) measurement over plant canopies in outdoor environments, greenhouses, and growth chambers, and reflected or under-canopy (transmitted) PPFD measurements in the same environments. Quantum sensors are also used to measure PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)/PPFD in aquatic environments, including salt water aquariums where corals are grown. Back to Top

SQ-422-SS: Modbus Digital Output Quantum Sensor

The SQ-422 sensor outputs a digital signal using Modbus RTU protocol over RS-232 and RS-485. The sensor is calibrated for sunlight and electric lights, selectable through Modbus commands, and has a command that automatically applies the immersion effect correction factor for underwater measurements. The sensor features a rugged, self-cleaning sensor housing design, and high-quality cable terminating in pre-tinned pigtail leads for easy connection to dataloggers and controllers. Typical applications include PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) measurement over plant canopies in outdoor environments, greenhouses, and growth chambers, and reflected or under-canopy (transmitted) PPFD measurements in the same environments. Quantum sensors are also used to measure PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)/PPFD in aquatic environments, including salt water aquariums where corals are grown. Back to Top

Radiation that drives photosynthesis is called photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and is typically defined as total radiation across a range of 400 to 700 nm. PAR is often expressed as photosynthetic photon flux (PPF): photon flux in units of micromoles per square meter per second (µmol m-2 s-1, equal to microEinsteins per square meter per second) summed from 400 to 700 nm (total number of photons from 400 to 700 nm).

While Einsteins and micromoles are equal (one Einstein = one mole of photons), the Einstein is not an SI unit, so expressing PPF as µmol m-2 s-1 is preferred. Sensors that measure PPF are often called quantum sensors due to the quantised nature of radiation. A quantum refers to the minimum quantity of radiation, one photon, involved in physical interactions (e.g. absorption by photosynthetic pigments). In other words, one photon is a single quantum of radiation.

Typical applications of quantum sensors include incoming PPF measurement over plant canopies in outdoor environments or in greenhouses and growth chambers, and reflected or under-canopy (transmitted) PPF measurement in the same environments.

Apogee Instruments SQ series quantum sensors consist of a cast acrylic diffuser (filter), photodiode, and signal processing circuitry mounted in an anodised aluminium housing, and a cable to connect the sensor to a measurement device. Sensors are potted solid with no internal air space, and are designed for continuous PPF measurement in indoor or outdoor environments. SQ series sensors output an analogue voltage that is directly proportional to PPF under sunlight (e.g. model SQ-110) or electric lights (e.g. model SQ-120). The voltage signal from the sensor is directly proportional to radiation incident on a planar surface (does not have to be horizontal), where the radiation emanates from all angles of a hemisphere.

The sensor measures photosynthetically active radiation and is calibrated for use under electric lights. The sensor housing design features a fully potted, domed-shaped head making the sensor fully weatherproof and self-cleaning. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), or photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), is the wavelength range from 400 to 700 nanometers and is strongly correlated with plant growth. Gardeners, greenhouse managers, growth chamber users and salt-water aquarists measure PAR to insure optimal specimen health.

Cosine Response

Screen Shot 01-18-16 at 01.00 PM

Mean cosine response of twenty-three SQ series quantum sensors (error bars represent two standard deviations above and below mean).
Cosine response measurements were made by direct side-by-side comparison to the mean of four reference thermopile pyranometers, with solar zenith angle-dependent factors applied to convert total shortwave radiation to PPFD. Blue points represent the AM response and red points represent the PM response.

Spectral Response

SQ224 graph 2

Mean spectral response of six SQ series quantum sensors (error bars represent two standard deviations above and below mean) compared to PPFD weighting function. Spectral response measurements were made at 10nm increments across a wavelength of 300 to 800nm in a monochromator with an attached electric light source. Measured spectral data from each quantum sensor were normalised by the measured spectral response of the monochromator/electric light combination, which was measured with a spectroradiometer.

Temperature Response

SQ224 graph 3

Mean temperature response of eight SQ series quantum sensors (error bars represent two standard deviations above and below mean). Temperature response measurements were made at 10­°C intervals across a temperature range of approximately -10 to 40°C in a temperature controlled chamber under a fixed, broad spectrum, electric lamp. At each temperature set point, a spectroradiometer was used to measure light intensity from the lamp and all quantum sensors were compared to the spectroradiometer. The spectroradiometer was mounted external to the temperature control chamber and remained at room temperature during the experiment.


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